You’re one step away from achieving your idea, your dream, your calling, your purpose - whatever you want to call it - and I want to be there for the moment that you say “YES” in freedom, clarity and confidence that you are living fully FIT in who and whose you were made to be - Wealthy and Whole! Join me alongside other Founders, Innovators, and Trailblazers to unlock your full potential as a Kingdom Entrepreneur!
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Our lives are full of reconstruction - we are a constant construction zone. Every day, in fact, we see warning signs of catastrophes waiting to happen. Heavy machinery being operated even without a license.
Think about it for a minute - Our bodies, our minds, even our spirits - we are still comprehending how we operate and yet we attempt to do so at supper sonic speeds and ultimately we want the exterior to be picture perfect, just like the starting magazine clipping we are getting our influence from for our renovation or remodel.
We delicately pick out all of the fine details, all the way down to the style of the trim and crown molding…meanwhile…have we figured out HOW we are going to pay for it, HOW it’s going to blend with the rest of the choices, HOW we are even going to like it 5, 10, 20 years from now.
Do we take the same caution, time and precision with our hearts or with raising our children or growing our marriages? Let alone the conversation around how delicately we design our spiritual lives…
I’m tired of living in the chaos of a construction zone…and I think today’s guest is too. In fact, I know she is. And I so love that this concept so beautifully weaved through the entire message. I want to stop trying to take the reigns and title of the general contractor and let God do the constructing on my life.
God…may our lives be designed in your will and your way, in your timing and your architectural plan…may we recognize the caution signs and not just slap on an exterior fix, but instead take the time to carefully construct the foundations of our lives.
Connect with her here:
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Tag #fitinfaithpodcast or @tamra.andress
Until next time…Prayers towards your joy, health, wealth and wholeness
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
We see picture perfect images that surround us at every turn. We have so many options on response to those tiny squares, advertisements, magazines, even TV stars. We can judge, criticize or self-deprecate. We can reject or dismiss. Or we can encourage and empower. In order to move into the last heart set and mind set - the one that would be freeing and fulfilling - we have to first face the internal placement of our own being.
Today’s podcast guest is the girl wearing heels on the motorcycle…but before you judge…she’ll also slap on her boots and get dirty on the farm. She’s been a farm girl, horse trainer, a fashion merchandising specialist, a bartender, a TV show host, a Cooking YouTuber - and newly stepped into the entrepreneurial journey of following her passions and placing her family and health before everything else.
And what I love most about her - as you know my thoughts around titles - is all of the things that she has been are not what define her. She is a no BS kinda girl and after only a couple hours with her it is apparent she is a force to be reckoned with. And I have no doubt by the end of it, whatever immediate response you had to her heels, her stellar fashion sense, or her “quote on quote” perfect squares - you might reconsider your view of all of the perfect we are faced with.
Connect with her here:
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Tag #fitinfaithpodcast or @tamra.andress
Until next time…Prayers towards your joy, health, wealth and wholeness
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Heart is Where the Home is: Cultivating a Business Out Of Passion - With Reese Jocson
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
We hear all the time the aged old saying “home is where the heart is” and while I’m a complete believer in the concept, I think you could reverse the words to gain deeper clarity in what it means to establish a healthy home…”heart is where the home is”.
As women and men alike, I believe we are constantly cultivating a place for us to reside in peace, contentment, and happiness. If we are dually working on developing that from a heart placement and posture each day…that comfortability leads in to the place we go with our heart, wherever that place may be.
Today’s guest, relishes in all things home and heart through her gifting of art. She does what she loves and she brings that passion into her home. And that is truly an admirable trait when so often we can let our homes be cultivated out of worldly gesture verse heart influence.
I hope you take a way some resourceful insight to pursuing your passions, finding yourself within those passions and truly fostering a heart within yourself that you are happy to live with day by day.
Connect with him here:
Women’s Retreat:
Are you living life in a fog? In need of true connection and heart repair? Looking to find wholeness, health and happiness? But also just need a time out to rest and rejuvenate and BREATHE - join Fit in Faith for the Wholeness Women’s Retreat happening in October beachside.
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Tag #fitinfaithpodcast or @tamra.andress
Until next time…Prayers towards your joy, health, wealth and wholeness
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
What's Your Emotional Lie: Burn Bootcamp Instructor Tells All - With Brett Timpano
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Ok…so spoiler alert. Today’s episode is with a total Mama’s Boy. And I don’t mean that like a juvenile stab on the playgrounds weak link…
No no, today you are going to get a man who advocates for the full essence of girl power…and it started with his mom!
And if you are on the rally against girl power thing and fighting for all things equal…don’t worry - He’s got you there too! He’s all about encouragement, relationship, wholeness, guidance, and a good high five.
Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, Brett Timpano isn’t concerned with what you can’t do…instead he wants to know what you CAN do and will utilize that as the starting point for growth, strength and ultimately healing towards the best version of yourself.
From a young age, most of what you hear are the things you CAN’T do…is that why we inhibit ourselves as adults? Is that how the limiting beliefs begin?
I can’t do this or I can’t do that.
I’m sure that after today’s episode, you’ll gather grace for your ability to be the change within your own mind so that you can truly change the world…and that’s not a light hearted girly job…we need trend setters promoting the CAN DO attitude and ridding ourselves of the emotional lies that we can’t.
Connect with him here:
Women’s Retreat:
Are you living life in a fog? In need of true connection and heart repair? Looking to find wholeness, health and happiness? But also just need a time out to rest and rejuvenate and BREATHE - join Fit in Faith for the Wholeness Women’s Retreat happening in October beachside.
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Tag #fitinfaithpodcast or @tamra.andress
Until next time…Prayers towards your joy, health, wealth and wholeness
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Get Confident in The Game of Trust: Seeking Past The Battle - With Travis Utmost
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Do you ever feel like you’re standing on the edge backward…wanting so desperately to just let it all go out of exhaustion or frustration or confusion but like the game of trust…you just don’t trust ENOUGH that you will be caught?
That the battles are so consistent you can’t hear, see, or even breathe long enough to find clarity and confirmation in the wavering whims of society?
I want to let you off the hook - you aren’t the only one feeling tossed to and fro. But it’s the exact reason we have to find footing in the comprehension of trust and knowing we can only fully rely on God.
By the way, did you know Sweet FROGs the frozen yogurt joint…that’s what FROG stands for. Fully Rely on God.
Ok sorry, I went really heavy and then really light. But sometimes, we need that don’t we? The ability to be DEEP in our faith, but not stress it out to the point of suffocation, to the point of breaking trust because we all we want to do is break free.
When God asks us to trust, He isn’t doing so out of our will or even our ability. He’s doing it because He wants us to allow Him to do it for us. If we could only grasp hold of truly trusting, we would release tension in the areas of our life we think are even most relaxed.
Today’s episode is with Travis Umstot. A believer who is just like you and just like me…wanting nothing more than to humbly trust the Lord, but knowing the importance of pursuing it daily and honestly, doing it blindly.
Exodus 14:13-14 “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation[b] of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today…. 14 The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold[c] your peace.”
How badly do you want peace in your life…for me, I know, badly enough to fight for it every single day.
Connect with him here:
Women’s Retreat:
Are you living life in a fog? In need of true connection and heart repair? Looking to find wholeness, health and happiness? But also just need a time out to rest and rejuvenate and BREATHE - join Fit in Faith for the Wholeness Women’s Retreat happening in October beachside.
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Tag #fitinfaithpodcast or @tamra.andress
Until next time…Prayers towards your joy, health, wealth and wholeness
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Dirty Details: A Marriage Healed - With Karissa Sprinkle
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
If you haven’t already heard me talk about, post about, or share about the She Speaks Conference…now’s your chance to hear it through the words of another horses mouth! Not that I’m calling the beautiful Karrissa Sprinkle a horse…though I love horses…ok I’ll stop rambling and get to the juicy stuff.
This conference isn’t just about writing or speaking. It’s about community. It’s about women relating on deep levels. Cutting directly past the…how do I say this is a nice Christianly manner…the honky tonk…and going right for the heart.
We all have a story. We all have a testimony. We all have a right to share. And frankly we ALL have a declaration to share, not just the 800 women that were in the room and the tens of thousands of women who streamed the conference to their churches or homes. Your story carries weight, worth, and purpose. It’s different than any other persons and it is enough to create impact in the kingdom….
Are you bold enough to share?
Y’all this is more than ministry - this is life - and as you know - life is hard and very imperfect. Even when church is involved. Karissa shares about infertility, marriage, friendships, guilt in motherhood, grief, love, and loss.
Her ability to empower boldness is done in such elegance. I admire her strength and grace. Since our time on the live podcast together, Karissa and her husband have come out with the truth in their marriage…what happened and all of the details in between.
This may cause discomfort. This may cause triggers. This may cause worry. But ultimately the goal is to cause ACTION and RELEASE. Tune in to the uncovering of her story - then pop over to her blog for more nitty gritty details.
Connect with her here:
Women’s Retreat:
Are you living life in a fog? In need of true connection and heart repair? Looking to find wholeness, health and happiness? But also just need a time out to rest and rejuvenate and BREATHE - join Fit in Faith for the Wholeness Women’s Retreat happening in October beachside.
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Tag #fitinfaithpodcast or @tamra.andress
Until next time…Prayers towards your joy, health, wealth and wholeness
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
You Get to Be You: There's Strength in the Waiting - With Sarah Johnson
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
You doubt your ability. Whether in strength or competence.
I’m not smart enough. I’m not strong enough. I’m not pretty enough, young enough, old enough. I’m not worthy enough. We let this one statement: I’m not enough…dictate and hinder our entire lives.
Are you fighting with Inadequacy in your calling?
Friend, let me tell you now - When God calls you, He equally and abundantly Equips you.
This past year, Sarah and I have seen God act in so many ways. As our provider. As our giver. As our comforter. As our strength. As our beauty from our ashes. As our father. As our friend. Our inadequacies - our weaknesses are made perfect through Him when we allow ourselves to surrender are not enoughs, for his I am Enough.
All that He’s calling you too, you already have the tools in your tool belt. Maybe they are dusty. Maybe you forgot. But it’s time to clean them off…the creativity, the ability, the gifts that you shelved in your life due to your dictation of your worth.
Who you are called to be is already within you - God knows Who you are, because you are His above all things!
What freedom there is in knowing and declaring in your walk that you get to be solely you in every facet of your life. Let’s fight the good fight…for your marriage, for your children, for your friends, for your parents, for your co-workers, for your neighbors, for your community, for the Kingdom…
There is a Godly purpose for your life…let’s shift our mindset and own our today as the opportunity to step into the calling of our lives.
Connect with her here:
Women’s Retreat:
Are you living life in a fog? In need of true connection and heart repair? Looking to find wholeness, health and happiness? But also just need a time out to rest and rejuvenate and BREATHE - join Fit in Faith for the Wholeness Women’s Retreat happening in October beachside.
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Tag #fitinfaithpodcast or @tamra.andress
Until next time…Prayers towards your joy, health, wealth and wholeness
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
We Wear Masks: Unpacking Relationships & Sex - With Dr. Jessica McCleese
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
We interact with people everyday, multiple times a day, even via what can be disconnected interaction through social media.
Sometimes we interact out of choice, sometimes out of forced situations and sometimes both.
From childhood we experience this within the dynamics of our families and family friends, whether we choose to or not. The ideas of introvert vs extrovert, shy vs vocal, or comfortable vs awkward start to develop through labels simply based on your demeanor, less the authenticity of the relationship.
And here we are. Wearing a mask that was delivered to us, not designed by us let alone our creator and our truest authentic selves.
Vulnerable relationships with true transparency and face-to-face interaction, are the starting point for the unveiling points for our masks. But it takes time…it takes trust…it takes intentionality.
And ultimately it takes Jesus…here I am envisioning Jim Carrey in the mask…ripping the grip of the mask that hosts a transformative nature and tossing it to the side to embrace the truth of our identity.
Dr. McClease, is a licensed psychologist and sex therapist with her private practice, Fully Well. Yes, I said Sex Therapy. You have to listen to learn more about the deets on this one…just know, the masks aren’t welcomed in the bedroom.
Connect with her here:
Facebook Group:
Women’s Retreat:
Are you living life in a fog? In need of true connection and heart repair? Looking to find wholeness, health and happiness? But also just need a time out to rest and rejuvenate and BREATHE - join Fit in Faith for the Wholeness Women’s Retreat happening in October beachside.
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Tag #fitinfaithpodcast or @tamra.andress
Until next time…Prayers towards your joy, health, wealth and wholeness