You’re one step away from achieving your idea, your dream, your calling, your purpose - whatever you want to call it - and I want to be there for the moment that you say “YES” in freedom, clarity and confidence that you are living fully FIT in who and whose you were made to be - Wealthy and Whole! Join me alongside other Founders, Innovators, and Trailblazers to unlock your full potential as a Kingdom Entrepreneur!
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Jesus at the Forefront of Business with Michelle Schaffer
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
I have just an overwhelming since of heaviness today...multiple reason, different things going on in the coaching world, with clients, but also just the world as a whole. But as the same exact time feeling God with full body chills, gut instincts, whispers, conversations like what were diving into today with Michelle and conversations with friends.
It's incredible how God is aligning so many things at one time and when we take that areal perspective we can see the fruit but sometimes when you're in the midst of the tree, all you can see is the things that are falling off or the bark that has scratched you or the encompassing storms that are trying to take down the beautiful tree of life.
So today I come to you specifically in regards to standing firm. Standing strong on the roots that withhold and withstand the promise of God, the fruit of who He is, the fruit of our lives, the intent of our very being. And it's specifically through keeping Him at the centered of it all. Keeping footed at the foundation.
And as entrepreneurs, as dreams, as mamas, as wives, as authors, writers, as women...Kingdom sisters and daughters...this is a high call for each of us. To stay footed and to keep Jesus at the forefront.
So wherever I'm finding you today, whatever title or life circumstance has you where you I just encourage you to look down with where your feet are planted, to get present where you are, look up towards the vision and the promise of God and know that you are called to greatness and you are called to purpose and love and it is a beautiful thing and it's also a hard thing. But friend, you have a sister in me and a sure sister in Michelle. And though we're not feminists, you'll know once you hear the show why I end this intro with: Girl Power.
Michelle’s Formal Bio:
Michelle Schaffer is a Biblical Leadership Expert and the Founder and CEO of Girl Power Alliance and her drive is powered by Christ.
She believes the world is served at the highest levels when women are empowered to pursue their God-given dreams and are bold in their faith. Michelle is a mother of three.
She was a teen mom and a single mom for six years. She built a six-figure a year business as a stylist and make-up artist.
After more than a decade in that profession, she knew she wanted to both have a bigger impact and create more freedom in her life. That is when she fell in love with the network marketing business model. She became a multiple six-figure earner within her first 9 months in the profession. Michelle has earned multiple seven figures building teams. She is passionate about helping to build women's incomes and their leadership. She is passionate about teaching and equipping women to become the person God created them to be. She is a passionate and powerful speaker. She has trained thousands of women and has helped them to generate millions in earnings. She has generated sales into the hundreds of millions.
She has worked as part of a corporate team as Marketing Director and Field Trainer. She and her husband founded their own company in 2010 where she served as Founder and President.
She is the host of the wildly popular podcast Souled Out Entrepreneur in 2017, she knew God was calling her to raise her voice and raise her impact for Christ.
In 2018 Michelle authored 2 books, ReDefined- Turning Adversity Into Your Advantage and The Residual Life - Building Your Network Marketing Empire, both books were published in 2019.
Girl Power Alliance was born from a call that God has placed on Michelle’s life that she could no longer ignore. She knows that now is the time for women to stand boldly in their place. Women were created to serve and achieve in the world in massive ways. She has created a community that offers incredible resources and training and is filled with like-minded, kingdom-minded women. This community of women will serve to encourage, empower and equip each other to fulfill their purpose and pass the torch to help another women do the same. Girl Power Alliance is the place ‘Where Women Grow’.
Connect with Michelle here:
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Women of Valor - with Melissa Blount
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
When I think of a woman of valor. i think of a woman dressed in a military suit adorned in medallions and upright and confident and strong. And when I found this beautiful woman and she introduced me to the women of valor collective where I had the beautiful opportunity to write and share with her community, I was enamored by how she provided confidence. day by day, by the stories of others into the insight of the valor that they could own under the love and adoration and promise of our Father in heaven.
So today, Melissa and i unpack what this community means to her, how it was established, and designed even from her town testimony. And isn’t that exactly what God would have us do. He’d have us go through the fire to come out stronger. Perhaps in intimate situations, uncomfortable situations…well mainly all uncomfortable! If you know anything about my story there was not a lot of resting and not a lot of being and a lot of doing in how I was striving so hard to become. So it was such an honor…and honor and valor go so beautifully together…To sit alongside her and dream cast over this growing community.
Hundreds of women submitting their own stories to be shared. No filter in that. Simply an act of ministry. To spread the good news and to showcase how God shows up in all of those situations. And how He becomes the change agent in which we get stand, adorned, with medals, saying I’ve done it. i can see Him hanging it over our neck as a daughter of the King most high and saying “well done my good and faithful servant.
So I hope today as you listen, you feel inspired to write or speak or share your story in some way. And if you do, then Melissa is your girl. Reach out and check out the incredible website and community she is creating. And speak and know that you are a woman of valor.
Don’t feel quite like the aligned, pristine, pressed white suit yet…know that it is yours for the taking friend.
Melissa’s Formal Bio:
Melissa is a wife and mother of four adult children; Jordan, Malachi, Ephram, and Trinity. She is currently working as an Operations Director in an Insurance Sales Corporate office and has for the last Fourteen years. When she is not at work during the week, she is enjoying trips with her husband, and traditional dinners with her children after church each Sunday.
Melissa was inspired to tell her story while attending a women’s meeting at her local church. A year ago, she started writing her story down and witnessing to her friends, family, and small groups. Her stories have entertained, captivated, and encouraged many women.
She started a women’s online chat group that pray and encourage each other daily. The miracles, through the power of prayer, and the ‘God-incidences’ as she calls them, that have taken place within this group have guided her. It’s really been the driving force that has encouraged her to create this Ministry, Women of Valor Collective and to learn how to follow what she believes is the will of God on her life. The next chapter.
Her objective is to spread the Word, encourage and touch as many women as she can through speaking engagements, the completion of her book, and social media mainstreaming. When she speaks to anyone and shares her story, she finds they are receptive, attentive, and they always tell her she needs to share this with others. She is no longer walking in fear and wants to guide other women to be fearless.
Connect with Melissa Blount here:
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Find the Fire in Your Purpose - with Chavon Thomas
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
I feel like I want to start this episode with the special guest voice…her voice truly reigns power and that is all of what we spoke about on this episode. Unlocking our inner power, which of course is HIS power within us. What that looks like to operate within, to be called and to understand that we are leaders of the kingdom.
And I am so honored to have Chavon Thomas standing alongside me as we share tonight…creating holy fire for people, holy fire through the mics and lens. So I know, without a shadow of a doubt that this is going to bless you. And I just pray right now, that if you are feeling led to say YES to the experiences of standing in your power, or propelling that power into a place of business. That would essentially be a package deal, with a really beautiful ribbon between Chavon and I and we talk all about it in this episode.
I’d love to hear from you. Get to know you. And hear your thoughts on this podcast. We would be ignited right alongside you in this experience.
Thank you for tuning in!
Chavons Bio:
Chavon is a smart, enthusiastic, and kind woman, and she married her husband, Corey, in 2012. They went on to start a business together called Purpose Unwrapped, LLC. Furthermore, Chavon's love and ability to teach the Word with accuracy and power carries over into her everyday job. She is a special education teacher in the public-school system, and she works within the secondary level of education. She earned her master’s degree in Special Education.
Chavon is currently working on obtaining a Doctorate in Education in Christian Leadership from Liberty University. She is a certified Leadership and Life Coach. God has lead her to the area of leadership, and her passion is empowering and equipping Millennial Women in Leadership.
She is a woman who loves God, and through worship, the Word, and prayer she builds her relationship with God continually. She has spoken at youth events, women's events, and church events. Chavon has published 4 books that are available on Amazon. These books are sure to empower, encourage, strengthen, and uplift every reader.
In 2018, Chavon was nominated for ACHI nominee for Author of the year and Educator of the year, and in 2019 she was nominated for ACHI nominee for Educator of the Year and Orator of the Year! She is a volunteer leader in the Young Life Program, a Christian Fellowship Program for students, where she works. She is also a part of the mentorship program for young ladies at the school she works called Pretty Me. Finally, she hosted a book club with the high school basketball team where she works and a tutoring program in connection with her church's youth ministry.
Connect with Chavon Thomas:
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
The Love Offering - With Rachael Adams
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
There is a revolution happening...a LOVE revolution! And today’s guest unpacks how.
Stemming from long before Covid, a concept emerged, but the conversation starts around the blessings of love that are existing in this season, that has basically taken over all of 2020. So many are trying to move into 2021 already, but even now has purpose and we have a beautiful opportunity to still show up and love.
She shares about her history in truly understanding what love is and how she came to learn the fullness of his love, which didn’t fully happen until after she had children. And as you may know, this is a big part of my story too so I totally understand and relate to her. Thank heavens for church communities like MOPS for helping us through the isolation of motherhood.
After reading the happiness project she awoke to the concept of a service project and asking God how she can continually serve. Later sitting in a church pew God Revealed the monetary giving concept of a love offering, but way beyond the concept of money. Which speaks to my soul in this season as I have been resonating on RICHness and Wealth and the lens of the lord on abundance.
Metaphorically - we as human beings ARE the love offerings, because we are the hands and feet of Jesus. And though his example of love…and giving us the ability to exist and extend our heart to others as God has to us. This is our call as believers and disciples.
Tune into her beautiful podcast, The love offering and go follow Rachael Adams. She’s already got the book dreamt up so let’s pray that into existence too, because we all need a little more insight on how to LOVE like Jesus.
Enjoy the episode and her sweet soul.
Rachael Adams Bio:
Rachael Adams is a writer, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. Her heart’s desire is to encourage women to live out their faith by loving God, others, and even themselves. Rachael and her husband live in Kentucky with their two children. Connect with her online at or on Facebook and Instagram @rachaeladamsauthor.
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Follow The Light To Discover the Calm - With Danielle Ireland
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
If I had to choose 1 word for today’s episode it would be CALMING. And don’t we all need a little more CALM in our lives right now?
Today’s guest, Danielle Ireland, who’s also a licensed therapist and speaker, shared about her expedition of how she chose to create her own position and design a life she loved. Even after professional dancing and acting, which actually fell into her lap very early on, she had an OH SHOES moment, as my sister-in-law likes to say…but she says it a little different than how she says it and I love it. But that led her to unpacking her ego and learning and leaning into her call.
And we hear this topic of calling all the time now. And I think a lot of people visualize a bunch of white clouds and rainbows, but there is so much more to it. She actually explains how she went through the season of falling in love with her husband and during that time she realized from that experience what she was missing in that area of her life. And I just loved that understanding.
So if you are operating at any point today in one realm of being and you experience abundant light and then you walk into the next realm of your life and the next activity and the light is removed then there is so much analysis to such occurrences.
That finding and searching experience led her to many other positions and hobbies and developments which led to her career now. That consulting and therapy point, she discovered a root. And for me in business that deeper root is a place to unpack the mind, body and soul set of our existence. She explains it so beautifully here…and she does so through our shared mentor, Brene Brown, through vulnerability and authenticity.
I just encourage you to journey through your own life searching for light so you can show up in those places more!
Danielle’s Formal Bio:
Prior to her work as a licensed therapist, Danielle worked as an actor and ballroom dance instructor. Her journey from performer to therapist wasn’t a clearly defined path, but rather a sweaty, awkward, and exhilarating process of step, stumble, fear, learn, repeat. And like everyone else, she continues to blaze her own trail of self-discovery and healing.
Danielle's also the creator and host of the Don't Cut Your Own Bangs podcast, the remedy to comparison and feeling like everyone has it figured out but you. And she firmly believes that when we see the best in ourselves, we can bring out the best in others.
Links to follow:
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
A Call To Be ON WATCH - with Brittany Dunn, The Safe House Project
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
When I first received education around today’s topic I was dumb-founded.
I felt betrayed even.
and then I felt guilty.
Like I had been living under a rock by choice.
The emotions entangled in the moment couldn’t possibly lend themselves to the entangled experiences of the actual victims.
And it was in that moment, that I knew I was forever moved to help.
Today’s conversation with Brittany Dunn, co-founder of the The Safe House Project, is unlike a traditional entrepreneurial or wellness podcast you might hear from me, but it is surely footed on a firm foundation and circling a topic that I feel honored to speak up and out about and I truly hope serves you in a unique way to find understanding and voice around sex-trafficking - a topic that seems far from reach, but is actually happening in your very neighborhood right now…and I don’t mean that figuratively.
Please tune in and more importantly, please go to in order to participate in the free 1-hour online training that will be a life’s resource to you, your community, your children, and many more.
I refuse to live under a rock, no matter what false information is presented…let’s be better. Let’s be advocates for others when they are out of control or ability to advocate for themselves.
Let’s be on watch!!
Brittany Dunn has the honor of helping leading Safe House Project as the Chief Operations Officer. Prior to Safe House Project, Brittany Dunn spent 10 years in International Business Development at working around the world. Brittany Dunn has a B.A. in Economics and English from Wellesley College. She has her MBA, and graduated top of her class from Thunderbird School of Global Management. She is a military spouse, mother of two, continual learner, world traveler, and protector of the vulnerable.
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Innovate Your Life - with Shawna Lum
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
I so love unpacking the adventure of other people. Mainly because I feel like I’m living vicariously through them, but also because it ignites me to GO! Literally and figuratively!
And today’s guest, Shawna Lum, is such a GO getter, that she even moved across the world, multiple times in fact, in order to pursue what God has ahead of her.
You all know the people on social media that appear to be living their best life in another country, traveling, experiencing, and snapping amazing photos along the way…though of course, not in intent cause FOMO or comparison, but instead with intent to help you innovate your own life to be the best version of what is promised…?
Well, that’s our girl today. She’s a beautiful blend of reflective and energetic.
Running from perfectionism. Chasing joy! But also living the entrepreneurial dream outside of the umbrella of the American Dream.
You all are going to be blessed by today’s beautiful worldly conversation.
Tune in and LET’s get innovating our lives today.
Hey I am Shawna! After a crazy neck injury a year and a half ago I had to stop the office job and really focus on healing! Since then I have had the blessing to create an agency specializing in web design and getting your messaging right! I also am a social media manager! I help business owners and entrepreneurs who don't have time to:
💻 Build a professional, modern and responsive website or
💻Redesign their site
📱Manage Social platforms - IG, FB or Linkedin curated posts,
📱get their messaging and captions right on Social Media.. aside from work I love snowboarding, swimming, dancing and giving a helping hand. Excited to be a part of the show!
Connect with Shawna!
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
The Head of Happiness - with Alice Edgerton
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
I have a little nugget of info that you can use at the dinner convo today - the #1 current google word right now...can you guess?
Could you use a little more happy right now? How about joy? How about unspeakable joy? That is surely what I want!
So today's podcast guest gave us this insight and instead of just leaving us dry she talked to us about fulfillment and she has a ministry called Fulfilled After 50 and y'all know I'm not 50, but I'm totally touched and enamored by everything you said!
You have to tune in if you're a mom or not a mom. If you're a health advocate or not. Or a 9 to 5'er or in the grind of the American Dream. I think you should tune in if you're in the beginning stages of something new, middle or end of something new. If you're in a place of burnout, depression or anxiety or overwhelm. Fulfillment!
Fulfillment that Alice shares about that begins from within. And she unpacked the most beautiful 5 things that you can do right now today to seek and find that joy. That happiness that so many people want. And guess what? It's so achievable! It's taking it back to the basics!
These 5 things are filled with so much good stuff and it doesn't matter if fulfilled after 50 is your mantra or not, they are 100% applicable to her millennial children (that's some of you!) and our own littles we are raising right now. It touched my soul!
The quick token of advice it starts from within, it starts in the head. Stay tuned...she blew my mind. It felt like she was on stage and I know in my heart of hearts He is getting the glory out of this one!
Guest Bio:
Alice Edgerton is a life coach to the midlife woman who is searching for the calling God already has placed in her but cannot pull it out. She leads women in this season of life through a community of other Christian women who share their life experiences, encouragement as we fill each other's buckets up.
Connect with Alice!
Connect with me, Tamra Andress - The Fit in Faith Podcast Host!
I’d love to get to know you.